Osteopathy and the diaphragm muscle
The diaphragm is the main inspiratory muscle (with which we take in air) and constitutes a continuum between the connective tissue of the abdomen and the thorax.
Let us remember that the connective tissue or fascia is a fibrous membrane, similar to a cloth, that surrounds and interconnects all the structures of the body (bones, muscles, viscera, veins, arteries, etc.)
This muscle, due to the connections it has, can generate different symptoms.
- Connects with the high lumbar spine (being able to generate lumbar pain).
- It connects with the lower ribs (and these connect with the dorsal column, the middle part of the back, and can generate back pain).
- It connects upwards with the lungs and from these ligaments are born (vertebropleural ligaments) that go to the cervical vertebrae, and can generate cervicalgias (neck pain).
All these relationships of the diaphragm make its evaluation and treatment very important, since its dysfunction (loss of mobility) is frequent, mainly due to emotional aspects (stress).
Osteopathy is a global approach that seeks dysfunctions of the human body (loss of micromobility); One of the frequently treated structures is the diaphragm, due to its mechanical importance in the human body.