Visceral Osteopathy and the importance of the kidneys (part 2)
The kidneys are the main organs of the urinary system.
They are located in the back of the abdomen on either side of the spine (approximately at the level of the upper lumbar vertebrae).
Each one is shaped like a bean, and its size is the equivalent of a clenched fist.
In this entry we will talk about the influence of abdominal surgeries on the kidneys, and on the other hand about the associated bone restrictions (which joints are fixed by kidney dysfunction – loss of mobility of the same).
Two examples:
- An appendectomy (the appendix is removed): this surgery is very common, and is performed in the lower area and to the right of the abdomen; the right kidney is pulled downward by the tensions of the scar, which are transmitted through the peritoneum (a fibrous, cloth-like membrane that envelops the abdominal organs, interconnects, supports, and protects them).
- A hysterectomy (the uterus is removed): as there is a "void" due to the removal of the organ, this space is occupied by the small intestine or a part of the colon, since these move downwards due to the absence of the uterus, ending in a direct downward pull of the kidneys.
- Joint restrictions of the D10, D11, D12 and L1 vertebrae (the area between the upper lumbar and lower dorsal, approximately: "the middle of the back").
- Psoitis: inflammation of the psoas muscle (anterior hip muscle) due to muscular imbalances of the lower limb; This muscle is inserted in the lumbar spine (lower back area) and can generate fixations in it.
The kidney "rests" on the psoas, for this reason there is a direct relationship with this muscle due to continuity of tissues.
- Fixings of the lower ribs.
In the next entry we will see what we could do to take care of our kidneys, beyond possible treatments, as in this case Osteopathy.
"Learning to ride a bicycle does not mean learning to maintain balance, but learning not to disturb that balance, learning not to interfere." Seymour Papert