Osteopathy and fascial release
Each patient is unique, and will receive treatment according to the mobility restrictions in their fascia (fibrous membrane that surrounds all body structures).
When palpating the tissues, the tensions and lines of force in them can be perceived.
An analogy to understand this is "the human body as a table covered by a tablecloth": the table, and the tablecloth that covers it (the fascia), with its cutlery, glasses, plates, and everything that is above it (bones, organs, etc.).
If this tablecloth presents any "wrinkle", this generates a traction force in it; By resting our hand on the fabric, we can perceive the tension, its direction, how strong it is, and if what is pulling is a "cup", a "plate", etc.
By accompanying this tension with our hand, we favor the "release" of the fabric (fascial release - or connective tissue -).
Another way to approach "the tablecloth" is to place your hand on an element that is on it, for example a "jug of water": we take it with our hand and slide it; we feel how the cloth under it reacts and we see where the movement is facilitated, and we stay in that position moving the jar in that direction until the tablecloth under it "unwrinkles" (release occurs).
The "jug" in the body can be a bone, an organ (the liver for example), etc.
For this reason, it is important to connect with the patient's tissues, in order to perceive these tensions and be able to “accompany” them until fascial release occurs.
As Osteopath Rollin Becker used to say: "Only the tissues know...".