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Fourth Law of Osteopathy: The role of the artery is supreme


In 1874, the creator of Osteopathy Andrew Still compared the human body to a fertile field: if it is not watered, the harvest will be unviable and will not grow, it will dry up.

Something similar happens with the human body: the correct circulation of liquids is essential for the normal functioning of its cells.

When we talk about fluids, we are not only referring to arterial flow, but also the flow of any organic fluid, including arterial, venous, lymphatic, and cerebrospinal fluids.

Each cell of the organism is surrounded by water, if that extracellular space (the space that surrounds the cells) has a free exchange in its fluids, then the necessary nutrients can arrive and the waste produced by cellular metabolism can be eliminated.

Therefore, any disorder in this liquid system will have an effect, directly or indirectly, on the well-being of the individual.

For these fluids to circulate freely, it is essential that the movement of all the structures and tissues of the body are free, allowing their flow.

By releasing dysfunctions (loss of micromobility) with the help of Osteopathy, all the above processes are improved, achieving greater well-being in the person.

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