Fascia and its influence on the human body
Fascia or connective tissue is a fibrous membrane, similar to a cloth, that surrounds and interconnects all the structures of the human body (bones, joints, muscles, veins, arteries, nerves, viscera, etc.).
The fascia can be easily observed and touched without the need to make dissections in the faculty: it is the skin that covers, for example, the chicken breast; that transparent membrane is the fascia.
This tissue has no interruption, is continuous, and takes over from the bone structures.
This means that a dysfunction, for example, of the plantar fascia (at the level of the foot), can generate a transmission of tensions to the base of the skull.
The fascia can present areas of restriction, for example, due to the presence of scars, adhesions due to infections, trauma, adaptations of the body to poor posture, etc.
The objective of Osteopathy is to search for these restrictions, release them, and return the tensional balance to the body.