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Hydrotherapy: salt baths and their effect on the kidneys (and the effect of osmosis)

There are several ways to take care of our kidneys: Exercise, eat little sugar and salt, control your blood pressure, eat healthy and maintain a healthy weight, drink water, get enough sleep, and do activities that reduce stress. Everything that improves vascular function in organs such as the heart, brain or eyes also implies an improvement in the function of the kidneys. In this post we will talk about an ancient and “forgotten” technique: salt baths. When we immerse ourselves in hot salt water, the pores of the skin dilate and cause our body to release toxins to the outside. This process is called reverse osmosis, a physical-chemical process in which our skin, instead of absorbing the water that surrounds it, does the opposite. This happens because the water and salt in the bathtub exceed the salt concentration of our cells, and thus osmosis occurs, in such a way that the water in our body comes out dragging toxins through the pores to the outside (a kind of dialysis). percutaneous). All of the above decreases the work of the kidneys, lungs and liver (they have fewer substances to filter). The way to do it is to fill the bathtub halfway (half a bathtub), with hot water, and add the amount of 2 kilos of coarse salt. The recommended immersion time varies between 10 and 30 minutes. In general, it should not be more than 15 or 20 minutes because the difference in osmotic potential begins to equalize, in such a way that the skin can begin to absorb the bath water, with all the salt and toxins eliminated. As for the periodicity, if you have a serious illness (eg Renal Insufficiency - consult your doctor -) it can be from a daily bath, to two or three a week. If it is a maintenance therapeutic action, a bath a week or even a month is enough. When you don't have a bathtub, you can make a foot bath in a basin (in 10 liters of water place 250 grams of coarse salt).



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