When there is harmony between the heart and the brain, we are in a state of cardiac coherence or neurocardiovascular coherence. Contrary to the general idea that the brain directs the activity of the heart, as well as of the rest of the organs of our body, today we know that the heart occupies a central place as the conductor of the orchestra in our organism. The heart emits electromagnetic signals and produces hormones that influence the central nervous system: ATRIOPEPTINE: hormone involved in controlling the balance of water and minerals in the body and with the ability to inhibit the production of stress hormones. OXYTOCIN or "the hormone of love": involved in feelings of connection and generosity and the establishment of relationships of trust and fidelity. The heart also has significant electrical activity; in fact, the heart is the organ in the body that produces the greatest amount of electricity, with a power 5,000 times greater than that of the brain. The electromagnetic field of the heart is a great magnet that surrounds us in 360 degrees of our body with a range of between 2 and 3 meters. Cardiac coherence is a very useful tool to improve health at all levels: physical, mental and emotional. On the other hand, with just a few minutes of practice we already obtain the benefits of it. Clinical trials have shown that cardiac coherence helps reduce high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, attention deficit syndrome in children, body pain, helps improve sleep quality, overall energy level, stress, etc. When we feel anger, frustration or rage, the electrical signals of the heart are chaotic. With love, compassion, or gratitude, the heart waves are stable and orderly. And this is transmitted both to the brain and to the rest of the body. Now yes, in the next post we will explain a simple exercise to develop and “train” cardiac coherence.